Saturday, September 22, 2007

Why is Breastfeeding Best for Me and My Baby?

Easy and convenient. Infant formulas require preparation, warming or sterilization of milk or bottles for feeding. When you breastfeed, you will always have just the right amount, at just the right temperature with no bottles to clean! Enhances bonding and helps encourage a close relationship with your baby.

Improves mom’s recovery time. The hormones released while breastfeeding cause the uterus to contract and return to its previous size. When you breastfeed immediately and frequently after delivery, bleeding is reduced since your uterus is already beginning to contract and reduce in size.

Helps prevent maternal illnesses. Mothers who do not breastfeed have a higher incidence of anemia (low iron levels), breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and osteoporosis in later life.

Improves baby’s future dental health. The type of suckling babies use with bottles leads to higher incidence of severe dental problems and more orthodontic corrections later in life.

Saves money. Using infant formula for the first year of your baby’s life can cost as much as $1,500-$1,800! That doesn’t even include the cost of bottles, artificial nipples.

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